The last meal on earth that i want to eat

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Assallamualaikum Wr. Wb.
How are you? i’m trying to imagine, what if every food on the earth is going disappeared, and i have to choose a meal that i want to eat. I think i’m gonna choose meatball, why? Because it’s my mother’s favorite food. Actually, no matter whatever the food is. If i have a chance to choose what i want to do for my last meal, i’m not gonna choose the food, because the most important thing that i want is dinner together with all of my family and all of my bestfriend.
By the way, meatball is a nice meal, it’s cheap, but, taste like expensive meal.
Meatball is easy to find. You can find this food in every town in Indonesia. Sometimes there are some people that sell this food house by house. There are so many kind of meatball, like Satan Meatball (Bakso Setan), Tenis Meatball (Bakso Tenis), etc.
Maybe that’s it from me. Thanks for spend your time to read this post. Once again thank you so much
Wassallamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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